Saturday, November 4, 2017

Cambridge IELTS 12 PDF with Audio edition (2017)

Containing four complete IELTS past papers from Cambridge ESOL each book, this series of books is vital in preparing for the IELTS test. Even if your English is as brilliant as Shakespeare, being familiar with the test format is the key to scoring high. Besides building up familiarity with the test format, taking those past exams can definitely boost your score. Why? 

First of all, after taking the first exam, you will figure out your strengths and weakness. Then, you can improve on your weaknesses and your bad test-taking habits. In this way, your efforts will be maximized. Secondly, after taking every test, you will find out what kind of mistakes you are making. Study hard your mistakes, bear them in mind, and avoid them. 
There is a saying: stupidity is repeating the same mistake. So, recognizing your mistakes is fairly critical. I strongly recommend buying these books because the result of my last practice test was very close to my official IELTS band score. In addition, since IELTS 1-5 is outdated, I do not recommend buying any of them.

Below ielts-12 edition 12 with 4 real ielts tests with audio.You can download just clicking.
To download audio 

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